Wednesday, March 4, 2015

What it took to get here. Pt. 2

With a script in hand, desire in my heart, and a dash of naivety it was time to get things moving. I set out and started discussing my ideas with people I knew from art school and fellow fillmmakers. I decided I needed a producer. The person I I asked was a local organizer and had many connections. We then contacted friends who we knew acted. They set us up with mutual friends and the audition process started.

Due to the driving distance of some actors we decided that using Skype was the best option of accomplishing our auditions. Once auditions were completed we set the production into motion. 

A table read was first. Setting the date was second. This I must say is the hardest part of any production for me. Organizing a large group of adults with active lives and on some unfortunate occasions a fraction of the desire you have. 

Locations then became an issue. With most indie filmmakers its a case of using every resource you have your hands on. I knew of an art gallery so we worked that into the story. We then needed a bar. I asked around and finally we were able to find a location. 

The shoot was 1 weekend. Two day shoot. Six hours the first and 3 the second. As much as you prepare you will always have something go wrong. So prepare for that.

The shoot itself was an experiment for sure. This is the first time for me that I was working with so many actors and furthermore something I was trying to present as more professional.

Naturally when you work, all the momentum has a tendency to conflict with your ability to focus. This is why we prep. Consulting your handy shot list/storyboard/etc will always help. So that's what I did. I also trusted a fellow film friend of mine (Ian Lynch Passarelli - Played Seamus in the proof of concept short) to take over camera B.

One mistake I made was not double checking important takes. Or at the very least being behind the camera/setting up back up B cameras.

So do that. There is one ill fated shot in the proof of concept short that I had no option but to use because of these mistakes.

After this intense and awesome experience. I spent roughly the next month editing.

There were tons of double takes and useless footage that were a result of poor planning on my part. One other tip I could bestow, plan everything so your workflow will be smooth. When you watch the same scene from 4 different angles; 5 takes later your editing objectivity seems to get skewed.

After a month of editing, tweaks, and bandaging audio issues. I was happy to release a new short film.

After it's release, constructive critiques filed in. This is quite common and I took note, while I started to write the rest of The Hollow Waltz.

We used this proof of concept short to use as our kickstarter video. In another post I will cover the woes and wins of Kickstarter.

I look back fondly knowing all the things I have learned since this short. All the things I have experienced. I see it as an amazing jumping off point into a world I have always loved and worked in. I suppose the difference, this time, was that I decided to go for broke. 

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